islenska` 31.03.06 the battle begins_____
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Friday, September 12, 2008

My goodness , tired .
Very tired .

Well , today was nice , but damn tiring .

Home Econs
Miss Daevora gave us test . The test was okay-okay but I have a feeling I won't get high marks . Never revise properly yesterday since I had to do a ACC Presentation . After which she told us she not angry with us and hoped that we learnt our lessons . But you know 1-6 ... Went to the kitchen and then got introduction of how to clean the table , the stove , and other stuff ...

Wow ! Science was fun (sorta) . The SPA Test was easy . Haha , at first wondering how to measure 70 cm one , after that very scared and started to panic . Then look at Yuan How , then know how do .

Nothing much , ate at SL again . Well , just ate the normal . Iced Cappuccino and 2 hotdog buns . After which I ate Cadbury Boost , then went to drink my cappuccino , OH MY GOODNESS , it tasted like ... !

Higher Mother Tongue
Count this period as ACC bah , move on to the next section ~

Well , presentation . Wah piang ! The script I prepared to complex leh , Chester and Yuan How all dunno how to read . Die ! Die ! Sure die ! Our ACC marks sure die one .

Literary Expressions
Well , Mrs Lim taught us about the wheel and how to answer the free-response question . Then show us a question , say 8 marks (I almost fainted at that point) , then want us to answer it . I write the answer 1 page long , then show her , she say okay .

So , theory with Zhi Wei , as per any Fridays . Then we had theory lessons for like , less than half and hour !? After which , we had a EVIL test , which we would be slaughtered for not keeping quiet , attempting to cheat at exams and something else which I can't remember ... After which had drills , pumped 42 times . Then Ostin beside me suddenly fall out , I suddenly shocked sia . I with him in Band so many times I NEVER EVER saw him fall out .

Well , today was ... I don't know how to say . I got 45/50 Zhi Wei still ask me work harder sia ... Aiya , nevermind la . I still miss her . Wish I can go meet her someday .

YEAH ! 29 November is a SPECIAL day for the CHSSJB (Catholic High School Symphony Junior Band) . CHIJ Toh Payoh and St . Margarettes ! YEAH ! I can't wait !

Bye !

Battled at || 7:26 AM

Thursday, September 11, 2008

If you want to start it ,
Don't stop it .

Well , today was a fun day . I can't really talk much about today , still have to revise for Home Econs , Science Practical and the Chinese ACC Presentation thingy .

Nothing much . Mr Lim taught us a new chapter about Threats and Responses .

Higher Mother Tongue
Mr Goh talked to us about one chapter , then ask us to go write a compo . He said ACC Test postponed to next week , YAY ! But presentation is tomorrow ... BOO !

Bought 4 bread and went to book club .

Had ANOTHER maths class test .

Mr Hu came in and ... What did he talk about ? Oh yes ! Pressure and force and moment of a force and blah blah blah ...

No project work so dismissed early .

Played some songs from the Essential Elements 2000 Book and then played something something Dawn ... Had to play Snare and AHEM AHEM has to play Bells . LOL ! We sabo-ed him , haha !

That's all man . Bye !

Battled at || 7:06 AM

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sandy beach ,
Jay Chou .

Finally got Yugioh Tag Force GX 2 .

Assembly period was switched with the first period . We watched the Mid-Autumn Festival celebration . Was okay-okay .

Went to art lessons late because of assembly , and art teacher never come . So we went back to class to have fun .

Literary Expressions
Mrs Lim didn't come . A chinese relief teacher took over and taught us some chinese idioms .

Had to find Miss Daevora , in the end , couldn't find her and went to student's lounge to eat a pack of rice , and as usual , one packet of Cadbury Boost NUTS .

Had double period Maths . We went through our Class Test and I got 19/25 . That's a deprovement ! But anyways , after which we went through the Vic Sec EOY Exams . Then Ms Linda gave us free time , and I chiong-ed finished the Maths worksheet in 15 minutes . MUAHAHA !

Contact Time
Mrs Pang came in and scolded someone . Then she was furious . And nothing much else .

Received an SMS from Mr Ee after school and he said the trainer not coming . Robotics cancelled .

Percussion Tutorial
Went there , praticed Dimension III for awhile . Then Joshua came in and told us Perc Teacher not coming , so ... No Perc Tutorial .

Oh well ... Ostin is a DARN BUSYBODY GOOD FRIEND WHO HELPS ME A LOT . I shouldn't have told him THAT ! My goodness ! He keeps bragging on about SANDY BEACHES AND JAY CHOU ! Man !

"Sandy beach , jay chou ! woohoo ! haha . one loyalty . identity still not known . haha " - Ostin Ocksindo Yeo Ying Khang

Battled at || 3:44 AM

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

She logged on again ,
This time she replied me .

Too bored today , so posting again .

Well , there's nothing to write about anyways .

"I looked out the window , and I saw the same old thing , a rock beside a tree . The next day when I woke up , I saw something different . The tree was beside the rock !"

Look things from a different perspective .

Now that was random .

Oh yes ! I created a "virus" , anybody wants to try it , then I'll teach you how to create ?

Bye .

Battled at || 4:53 AM

She finally logged in .
But she won't reply me ...

Alright ! Today was a GREAT day dude ! Well , not really so great . We started off the day by walking here and walking back and walking here and back and here and back ... Well, we were going for assembly , all of us line up outside of class , then suddenly don't know what happen , the whole class came back in . After that , go out again , then walk until Computer Lab 3 , the people infront shout go back , we go back in . Then the prefect there ask why you all come back , ask us go assembly . In the end , we were late . Good thing never get scolding by teacher .

Okay , so yesterday Mrs Pang showed us the new time table , I was so happy exclaiming about early dismissal because our Malay lessons had finished , I missed that the history from the last lesson is changed to the first lesson . Hence , never bring my history books . Well , its a good thing Mr Lim only mark the source-based questions . Wow , and he mentioned exams was in 3 weeks time , which , well , I guess is quite fast .

Higher Mother Tongue
Wu Lao Shi came in 5 minutes late today . After which , he told us our exam paper sections . Good thing the school decided to change the chapters tested from 22 to 28 (I think) to 22 to 25 , then 27 and 28 . Then we just learn the new chapter , then nothing else liao .

IT S1 Lessons
We handed up our storyboard and our storyboard got a lot of problems . Lol . Muahaha ! I don't want to talk about it .

Suddenly , we were busy talking about 'Rice and Curry' (the song) , so we ran to the canteen , ate rice plus curry . Then went Student's Lounge to eat one Cadbury Boost and one Cadbury Boost NUTS .

Mr Hu came in , returned our Lab Book , and went through the answers . He told us that there would be practical exam on Friday , WOW , great , one more exam to revise for . At least he hinted us , he said most likely to be on Pendulum . Oh yes ! I went to sit beside Ostin (since I can't see from the back even with my specs on) , then Ostin told me, "Somebody SMS me leh." After which he stood up (with the teacher infront of him) , show me his handphone with the light (with the teacher infront of him still) , and then sat down . Mr Hu ask him, "What's that?" then he go answer, "Nothing" . Mr Hu gave us Science worksheet homework , but me and Yuan How finished it during the 5 minutes break between each period .

Literary Expressions
As said yesterday , test on today . I was a bit taken back when she said it was a full paper including Summary . But I remembered that there was 2 periods of English , so happy happy then slowly do .

After Lessons
Early dismissal , so went to eat with friends . Then go home together with Kevin . He keep calling me "bloody idiot" .

That's about all . Oh YES ! Watch this video , its the video about Rice and Curry .

Bye .

Battled at || 1:04 AM

Monday, September 8, 2008

I'm still in the depressed mode man .
Why hasn't she logged on for so many days ?

Anyways , today school was normal , pretty much normal .

Carpe Diem
Carpe Diem , Mr Leong just showed us the Carpe Diem notes , after which we had to go back to class . Then Mrs Pang settled the Homecoming Day funds , which means I get $25 get from buying all that Soya Bean Drink and Grass Jelly !

Mr Lim came in and talked about the graphic organiser we were supposed to do over the holidays . After which he went through some source-based questions with us . Nothing much in this lesson .

One of my most favourited lessons . Mr Koh came real early today (or was we late) , after which we were supposed to play Softball , but apparently the cage containing the equipments was locked , so in the end we played Frisbee . Well , for every bad throw , we had to do 3 push-ups . For ever good throw that we were unable to catch , we had to do 3 push-ups . And in the end , I ended up doing the most push-ups . Followed be Enzen , Chester , Ostin or Xuan Ming then Yuan How .

Decided to go Student's Loungue to eat since we got sick of the canteen food after eating too many good stuff during the holidays . Got myself an Ice Lemon Tea and a Curry Rice . After which chiong-ed back to class and did the IT Project Storyboard . We do till halfway I decided to change . Well , I don't know what was happening at the libarary , but when I was changing , a woman came and knock the door . I quickly lied down on the ground and change . LOL , good thing she didn't see me .

We had a class test . Was confident when I started to do , then comes this question about finding the curved surface area of a hemisphere with a radius of 50m . AND I FORGOT HOW TO FIND CURVED SURFACE AREA ! That's 3 marks gone , MAN !

Mr Hu taught us about Force and Pressure . And nothing much else .

Literary Expressions
Mrs Lim told us some things about the poem on the examinations . She said tomorrow do a Comprehension Timed Pratice , Wednesday do Error Analysis , Thursday use half the period to watch Podcasts and the remaining half to do self-study or something like that . Friday is the Mock Poem Exam . And after the lessons , I was pretty much half asleep .

Reached there 3 pm . After which found out that Mr Lim was not coming and Mr Tan is coming at 4 pm for combined practice with Sec 1 , 2 and 3 . Mr Tan says very inspiring things like "every note should be worth a $100" and "imagine that it is a wall of notes" .

Wow , nothing much else about school . Reached home , bathe , eat and did my English and IT homework . Then nothing else , blogging here . Maple still can't create a new account yet , so might have to wait . Ah ! Gotta go pack bag , bye !

Battled at || 7:19 AM

The Fighter

Zhan Peng

Woodlands Ring Primary
Catholic High Secondary


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Percussion Wins Section Competition 2009
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